根据适用的联邦法规 and 状态 laws, Rhode Island College will provide reasonable housing accommodations for students.


RIC will provide reasonable housing accommodations for students who:

  • 有符合资格的身体或心理缺陷及/或有此类缺陷的记录,或被视为有此类缺陷及
  • 有资格住在大学宿舍吗


根据适用的联邦法规, 状态, 以及当地的残疾人法律, RIC将尽一切努力为有身体或心理残疾的学生提供合理的住宿. 只有代表合格残疾的申请才会被考虑住房住宿. 如果确定您的申请没有反映出需要合理住房住宿的残疾状况, 你会被转回 居住生活和住房办公室 你的房屋分配.

住房 assignments are made based on availability. 学生有责任提交住房押金并完成学校要求的所有文书工作 住宿生活处 & 住房 按照所有适用的截止日期. When requesting a reasonable housing accommodation, 申请人必须已经申请了RIC住房,并符合所有资格要求和付款截止日期. Please pay close attention to the deadlines indicated by the 住宿生活处 & 住房, as well as the deadlines for submitting reasonable housing accommodation applications.

所有住宿都是根据书面需求和合理住宿的现行标准逐案确定的. 残疾服务中心审查申请,并将批准发送给住宿生活办公室 & 住房, which then offers assignments based on availability.

根据州和联邦法律, esball官方网的政策是:“任何符合条件的残疾人……不得, 仅仅是因为……残疾, 被排除在参与之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.“美国残疾人法案, 修订的, 将“残疾”一词定义为实质上限制一项或多项主要生命活动的身体或精神损害.

主要的生活活动包括, 但不限于, 照顾好自己, 执行手动任务, 看到, 听力, 吃, 睡觉, 走, 站, 提升, 弯曲, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 阅读, 集中, 思考, 沟通, 和工作. A Major Life Activity also includes the operation of a major bodily function, 包括但不限于, 免疫系统的功能, 正常细胞生长, 消化, 肠, 膀胱, 神经系统, 大脑, 呼吸, 循环, 内分泌, 生殖功能.

Your Request for Reasonable 住房 Accommodations Application, 残疾服务中心将审查您的医疗保健提供者提供的支持文件. 在某些情况下,残疾服务中心可能需要与校园内的其他部门(例如. 住宿生活办公室 & 住房, Facilities) during the review 过程 to determine viable methods of accommodation.

You will be 不ified of the decision via 电子邮件 from the 残疾人士服务中心. 信件将包括关于您是否有资格获得所要求的每个住房的决定. 住宿生活办公室 & 住房部将根据其网站上详细的通知时间表通知您的住房分配. You must contact the 住宿生活处 & 房屋直接位于 401-456-8240 与提供给您的房屋分配的功能或规格相关的所有查询. 残疾服务中心无法提供有关由住宿生活办公室管理的建筑物和房间的具体信息 & 住房. If you have any questions about the 过程 for requesting reasonable housing accommodations, 请与 残疾人士服务中心 at 401-456-2776.

esball官方网要求有执照的医疗保健提供者提供描述学生残疾的文件,并支持合理住房住宿的要求. The licensed healthcare provider must submit documentation that meets The 残疾服务文件指南.


  • recent (within the last year of applying for housing)
  • 足以在潜在的损害和所要求的住房住宿之间建立直接联系

以下文件是 considered acceptable forms of documentation if submitted alone:

  • handwritten patient records or 不es from patient charts
  • 处方垫的诊断
  • self-evaluation found on the internet or in any print publication
  • 研究文章
  • 原始评估/诊断文件
  • 没有直接寄给esball官方网残疾服务中心的医疗服务提供者的信件
  • 低占用房间:双人套房
  • Single Rooms: A private 睡觉 area within a shared suite. All upperclassmen at RIC are automatically eligible for a single room. 大一新生申请单间时,必须清楚地证明共用一个睡眠区域会对你在RIC的生活和成功表现产生不利影响. 请求应该包括解释典型的室友调整(比如使用耳机), 使用睡眠面膜, or negotiating shared use of a space) would 不 resolve the concern.
  • 靠近洗手间:如果靠近洗手间或半私人洗手间对有残疾的学生来说是一个重要的住宿条件, this must be reflected in the submitted documentation. There are no fully private restrooms in RIC residence halls.
  • 物理改造:可能需要对生活空间进行物理改造的学生必须表明他们的具体需求. Examples of modifications may include a ground level room, 轮椅可访问性, and modifications for students with 听力 or visual impairments.
  • 家具:RIC提供符合一定空间和消防安全要求的学生家具. 符合条件的残疾学生如果希望携带与他/她的特殊需要有关的非ric家具,必须提交正式请求.
  • Air Conditioned Room: Some residence halls do 不 have air-conditioning. If air conditioning is a critical accommodation for a student with a qualified disability, this must be reflected in the submitted documentation.
  • Carpeting: If no carpet is a critical accommodation for a student with a qualified disability, this must be reflected in the submitted documentation.
  • 室友要求:请注意,可能会将室友分配给与其他住宿学生一样占用修改房间的残疾学生. 一个室友的请求不被认为是合理的住宿,不能被残疾服务中心评估.
  • 具体的建筑要求:请不要提出具体的建筑要求,而是要求所需的特定类型的住宿.e. building with no carpet, building with a/c , building outfitted with a flashing alarm etc.)残疾服务中心不能对特定建筑的要求进行评估,也不认为是合理的住宿.

Please 不e that residents are subject to billing rates based on the building and type of room. Single rooms are higher in cost than most typical shared rooms on campus. Kitchen facilities, air conditioning and other amenities also affect room rates. Building location and room rates are available from the 住宿生活处 & 住房.

Students should provide completed applications, including all required documentation by the deadlines indicated below:


请遵循适当的程序, based on whether you have previously received housing accommodations at RIC or 不.


如果你已经有资格获得住房住宿,并且需要在明年更新你的申请, 请与 残疾人士服务中心 at dsc@semaronline.com or 401-456-2776 到3月15日. Students renewing their accommodations will then work directly with the 住宿生活办公室 & 住房 to be manually 的地方d prior to general housing selection.

Please 不e: Renewal requests received after March 15 may be limited by available inventory.

Requesting Accommodations for the First Time

If you need to request housing accommodations for the first time, please follow the 残疾人士服务中心 Request Accommodations 过程. 如果你已经注册了 残疾人士服务中心, but still need to request housing accommodations for the first time, you can simply 登入AIM and submit a New Accommodation Request on the online portal. Priority consideration will be given to completed applications received 到3月8日.

Please 不e: Requests received after March 8 may be limited by available inventory.

问题? 联络我们: dsc@semaronline.com401-456-2776,或访问 残疾人士服务中心.


To request disability-related housing accommodations, follow the 残疾人士服务中心 Request Accommodations 过程. 需要提供文件,以验证是否存在不可观察到的残疾,并确定是否需要残疾相关的住宿. Priority consideration will be given to completed applications received 6月1日前. 

Please 不e: Requests received after June 1 may be limited by available inventory.

问题? 联络我们: dsc@semaronline.com401-456-2776,或访问 残疾人士服务中心.




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